कोरबा: तेंदुपत्ता तोड़ने गईं दो महिलाओं पर भालू ने किया हमला, गंभीर रूप से घायल, उपचार जारी

Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked Women who went to collect tendu leaves in the forest were attacked

कोरबा, 18 मई (हि. स.)। जंगल में तेंदुपत्ता तोड़ने गई महिलाएं भालू के हमले से गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गई हैं, जिन्हें उपचार हेतु जिला अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है। यह पूरा मामला बालको थाना क्षेत्र के ग्राम टापरा का है, जहां शनिवार की सुबह ग्रामीण महिलाएं तेंदु पत्ता तोड़ने के लिए जंगल की ओर गईं हुई थीं। इसी बीच अचानक एकाएक दो जंगली भालुओ ने उन पर हमला कर दिया ।

उक्त भिड़ंत में महिलाएं गंभीर रुप से घायल हो गई है। हमले में चंद्रमति कंवर (54) निवासी ग्राम टापरा के दोनों पैर में भालुओं ने गहरे घाव दिए हैं, वहीं अन्य महिला फूल कुंवर पति बुधराम कंवर उम्र लगभग 60 वर्ष के बाएं जांघ में हमला किया है। पूरे घटना की सुचना ग्रामीणों द्वारा डायल 112 को दी गई, जिसके बाद मौके पर त्वरित रूप से आरक्षक रोहित पाटले 262, एवं चालक पुर्णेश गवेल ने पहुंचकर घायलों को उपचार हेतु जिला अस्पताल के लिए रवाना किया जहां घायलों का उपचार जारी है।

हिन्दुस्थान समाचार / हरीश तिवारी


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