जांजगीर कलेक्टर के निर्देशन में अवैध प्लाटिंग पर कार्रवाई

Action is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the directionAction is being taken against illegal plotting under the direction

कोरबा/ जांजगीर-चांपा 21 मई (हि.स.)। कलेक्टर आकाश छिकारा के निर्देशन में राजस्व विभाग एवं नगरीय निकाय विभाग द्वारा जिले में अवैध प्लाटिंग पर संयुक्त कार्रवाई की जा रही है।

जांजगीर जिले के आज मंगलवार को विभिन्न स्थानों पर किये गये अवैध प्लाटिंग को हटाया गया। इनमें नगर पालिका जांजगीर क्षेत्र, तहसील बलौदा के नगर पंचायत में एवं नगर पालिका चांपा अंतर्गत अवैध प्लाटिंग पर कार्रवाई की गई। कलेक्टर ने सभी एसडीएम तहसीलदार, सीएमओ एवं राजस्व विभाग के अधिकारियों को अवैध प्लाटिंग पर लगातार कार्रवाई करने के निर्देश दिए है।

हिन्दुस्थान समाचार / हरीश तिवारी /केशव


सम्बंधित खबर